Balansa Clover
Balansa clover, is an annual, self-regenerating forage legume introduced from Turkey. It is adapted to most soils where subterranean clover grows well, tolerates wet, waterlogged conditions during winter, and has low to moderate tolerance to saline soils.
Balansa clover provides valuable grazing for livestock, can be conserved as forage and improves crop yields through nitrogen fixation.
- Self regenerating annual forage legume
- Grazing for livestock and hay
- Can tolerate waterlogging and most soil types
- Spring growth
- Resists clover scorch and root rot
Optional Treatment
Kingcote™ is a trademark of Baker Seed Co. For Legume pasture seed it is specially formulated to provide protection to the seed and aid in the establishment of the pasture. Kingcote includes insecticide, fungicide and live rhizobium, encapsulated in a long life coating.e- seeding. Soft-seeded.